Office of Graduate Education -


Find forms for late Add/Drop/Change, general petitions, nonresident status, medical leave, childbirth accommodation, etc.

Get support

GradSupport provides one-on-one support for personal concerns including faculty/student relationships, changing your advisor, and excused absences.

Financial assistance

Emergency funding, Grant for Grad Students with Children, Guaranteed Transitional Support, Long-Term Financial Hardship Funding, and more

Application fee waivers

Find eligibility requirements and instructions.

Paid positions to improve your community!

In the Spotlight

Paid positions to improve your community!

Graduate Community Fellows have the opportunity to work on projects and assignments that enhance graduate community in unique ways. Each Fellow reports to a staff member in the OGE or in a partner office, and focuses on a specific project. The commitment is 10 hours per week with a monthly stipend of $850.

View the open positions and apply here!

From the Blog

Science at Sea

This October, I embarked on the adventure of a lifetime. I was enrolled in Elements of Modern Oceanography, a course taught by scientists in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program, and my professor was the chief scientist on an upcoming research cruise. She mentioned that there were a few extra spots and I jumped at the opportunity. […]

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