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Ellen Swallow Richards Collection

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Publications by and about Ellen Swallow Richards

Index to material about Ellen Swallow Richards (all call numbers refer to the MIT Libraries collections)

Technology Review (T171.M4256.T43) .
William Ripley Nichols Vol. 1 (1899), p. 289
School Sanitation and Decoration (Review);
Cost of Living as Modified by Sanitary Science
Vol. 2 (1900), pp. 303, 386
Air, Water, and Food from a Sanitary Standpoint (Review) Vol. 3 (1901), p. 254
The Cost of Food: A Study of Dietaries (Review) Vol. 4 (1902), p. 275;
Vol. 13 (1911), pp. 121, 230, 333, 334, 365, 369, 368
Memorial to; Research prize Vol. 14 (1912), pp. 215, 172
Ellen H. Richards Fund Vol. 15 (1913), p. 61
Bronze bas-relief of - to be memorial
Memorial of - to be made by the Technology Women's Association
Vol. 27 (1924-25), pp. 8, 122
Tribute to the memory of - paid at meeting of the
Women's Association of Technology
Vol. 28 (1925-26), p. 136
Memorial bas-relief of - to be unveiled on graduation day Vol. 30 (1927-28), p. 404
Account of the unveiling of bas-relief in memory of Vol. 31 (1928-29), p. 100
Ellen H. Richards Memorial Day - account in New Bulletin Vol. 35 (1932-33), p. II
Pennsylvania State College establishes Ellen H. Richards Institute (I.G.) Vol. 44 (1941-42), Dec. p. 84
First MIT coed (MIT Women's Association article "The MIT Coed--Then and Now") Vol. 58 (1955-56), Dec. p. 94
Influence of, in establishing education for women at MIT (Bogie article "How Coeducation Came About") Vol. 66 (1963-64) Dec. p. 18
Eastern Mass. Home Economics Association loan fund to MIT named for; for women students (T.A.) Vol. 67 (1964-65), Nov. p. 32;
Vol. 75 (1972-73), June pp. 42, 52
Technique (T171.M4257)  
Paragraph about ESR 1901, p. 56
Technology Quarterly (T1.T28)  
Isabel F. Hyams and Ellen H. Richards, "Contributions from the Laboratory of Sanitary Chemistry: IV. Notes on Oscillaria Prolifica. First Paper, Life History" Vol. 14 (1901), p. 302
Isabel F. Hyams and Ellen H. Richards, "Contributions from the Laboratory of Sanitary Chemistry: V. Notes on Oscillaria Prolifica (Greville). Second Paper, Chemical Composition" Vol. 15 (1902), p. 308
Isabel F. Hyams and Ellen H. Richards, "Contributions from the Laboratory of Sanitary Chemistry: Notes on Oscillaria Prolifica (Greville). Third Paper: Coloring Matters" Vol. 17 (1904), p. 270
Lily Miller Kendall and Ellen H. Richards, "Contributions from the Laboratory of Sanitary Chemistry: Permanent Standards in Water Analysis." Vol. 17 (1904), p. 277
E. H. Richards, et al., "Contributions from the Laboratory of Sanitary Chemistry: Methods of Testing the Efficiency of Ventilation." Vol. 21 (1908), p. 321


Materials in Institute Archives manuscript collection MC 305

Publications by Ellen Swallow Richards

"The Urgent Need of Sanitary Education in the Public Schools." Reprinted from Transactions of the American Public Health Association, vol. 24. Columbus, Ohio, 1899.
With Alice W. Palmer. "Notes on Antimony Tannate." No. II. American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. 16, November 1878.
"Notes on the Potable Waters of Mexico." Reprinted from Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Mexico, 1901.
"The Significance of the Presence and Amount of Carbon Di-oxide in Potable Waters." Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Public Health Association, Buffalo, N.Y., September 1901.
"Wanted, A Test for 'Man Power.'" Reprinted from Clarkson Bulletin, vol. 3, no. 3, 1906.
"An Apparatus for Determining the Liability of Oils to Spontaneous Combustion." Technology Quarterly, vol. 4, no. 4, December 1891.
With Lily Miller Kendall. "Permanent Standards in Water Analysis." Reprinted from Technology Quarterly, vol. 17, no. 3, September 1904.
With Charles W. Moulton. "Ten Years' Experience with Broad Irrigation at Vassar College." Reprinted from Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies, vol. 36, no. 4, 1906.
"Air Supply Examination." Reprinted from Papers and Reports of the American Public Health Association, vol. 32, pt. 2.

With George William Rolfe. "Reduction of Nitrates by Bacteria and Consequent Loss of Nitrogen." Reprinted from Technology Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 1, March 1896.

With E. Marion Wade, Royce W. Gilbert, Carl E. Hanson, and James M. Talbot. "Methods of Testing the Efficiency of Ventilation." Reprinted from Technology Quarterly, vol. 21, no. 3, September 1908.
With Edwin O. Jordan. "Investigations upon Nitrification and the Nitrifying Organism." September 1890.
"Analysis of Samarskite from a New Locality." Reprinted from Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 17, 1874-75.
Minerals. Boston, 1882.
With Elizabeth Mason. "The Effect of Heat upon the Digestibility of Gluten." Reprinted from Technology Quarterly, vol. 7, no. 1, April 1894.
With Marion Talbot. Food as a Factor in Student Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1894.
"Domestic Science as a Synthetic Study for Girls." Reprinted from Proceedings of the National Educational Association, 1808.
"Alum in Walter. A. H. Low's Modification of the Logwood Test." Reprinted from Technology Quarterly, vol. 15, no. 4, December 1902.
Foreword to The Story of the New England Kitchen, by Mary Hinman Abel. Boston, 1890.
"Municipal Responsibility for Healthy School-houses." Reprinted from Transactions of the American Public Health Association, 1897.
"Dietaries for Wage-Earners and Their Families." From 17th Report (1893) of the State Board of Health of New Jersey.
"The Science of Nutrition." 1897.
With Mary Hinman Abel. "The Right Application of Heat to the Conversion of Food Material." Paper read at meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, August 1890.
With Lottie A. Bragg. "The Distribution of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in the Products of Modern Milling." Reprinted from Technology Quarterly, vol. 3, no. 3. Boston, 1890.
"Carbon Dioxide as a Measure of the Efficiency of Ventilation." Reprinted from Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 15, no. 10, October 1893.
"Good Luncheons for Rural Schools without a Kitchen." Boston, 1906.
"Domestic Economy in Public Education." Educational monograph published by the New York College for the Training of Teachers, vol. 2, no. 4, July 1889.
"Sanitary Science in the Home." Reprinted from Journal of the Franklin Institute, August 1888.
"Paper on the Adulterations of Groceries." Boston, 1880.
"The Relation of College Women to Progress in Domestic Science." Paper presented to the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, 1890.
"University Laboratories in Relation to the Investigation of Public Health Problems and to Commercial Work." Reprinted from Transactions of the American Public Health Association, vol. 25. Columbus, Ohio, 1890.

Publications about Ellen Swallow Richards

"Ellen H. Richards, 1842-1911." Cenco News Chats, no. 48, March 1945.

The Ellen H. Richards Memorial Home Economics Calendar 1913. American Home Economics Association, Baltimore.

"In Memory of Ellen H. Richards." Reprinted from Journal of Home Economics vol. 21, no. 6, June 1929.

Hunt, Caroline L. "Ellen H. Richards, Scientist, Author, Teacher, Apostle of the Art of Right Living." A Life-Sketch for Home Economics Day. Baltimore, 1912.

Announcement of the establishment of the Ellen H. Richards Institute at the Pennsylvania State College. 1941?
Mack, Pauline Beery. "The Ellen H. Richards Institute." Reprinted from Journal of Home Economics, vol. 33, no. 4, April 1941.
Bryant, Alice G. "Values for Which Mrs. Ellen H. Richards Stood." Reprinted from The Medical and Professional Women's Journal, August 1933.
Hunt, Caroline L. "Women of the Hour." La Follette's Weekly Magazine, vol. 2, no. 51, December 1910.

Books about Ellen Swallow Richards in the MIT Institute Archives
Ancker, Jessica Scalzi
Domesticity, Science, and Social Control: Ellen Swallow Richards and the New England Kitchen..
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1987.
TX140.R6.A53 1987
Bryant, Alice G.
Mrs. Ellen H. Richards and Her Place in the World of Science. 1936.
QH31.R5.B7 1936
Clarke, Robert
Ellen Swallow: The Woman Who Founded Ecology.
Chicago, Follett Pub. Co. [1973]
Goldblith, Samuel A.
Of Microbes and Molecules: Food Technology, Nutrition and Applied Biology at M.I.T., 1873-1988.
Trumbell, Conn.: Food & Nutrition Press, c1995.
TP370.7.G65 1995
Hunt, Caroline Louisa
The Life of Ellen H. Richards.
Boston : Whitcomb & Barrows, 1912.
Lam, Thomas Kwai.
Science and Culture : Ellen Swallow Richards and Nineteenth Century Nutritional Science.
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University, 1981.
TX364.L36 1981
Richards, Robert H.
Robert Hallowell Richards: His Mark.
Boston: Little, Brown, 1936
Slaughter, Sarah.
Women at MIT : 1871-1900.
Stern, Madeline.
We the Women: Career Firsts of Nineteenth-Century America.
New York: Schulte, 1963
Zahm, John Augustine, 1851-1921.
Woman in Science: With an Introductory Chapter on Woman's Lifelong Struggle for Things of the Mind.
Cambridge: MIT Press, [1974, c1940]
Chapter 6: "Women in chemistry" contains material on Ellen Swallow Richards, p. 217-220.
Q147.Z26 1974


Publications by Richards in the MIT Institute Archives

Air, water, and food from a sanitary standpoint.
New York: Wiley, c1900.
RA430.R6 1900

Air, water, and food from a sanitary standpoint.
2nd ed., rev. and enl. New York: Wiley, c1904.
RA430.R6 1904

Air, water, and food from a sanitary standpoint.
With Alpheus G. Woodman. 4th ed., rev. and rewritten. Boston: Wiley, c1914.
RA430.R6 1914
The art of right living.
Boston: Whitcomb & Barrows, c1904.
RA776.R52 1904

The chemistry of cooking and cleaning: a manual for housekeepers.
[1st ed.] Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1882.
TX531.R53 1882

The chemistry of cooking and cleaning: a manual for housekeepers.
2nd ed. rev. and rewritten. Boston: Home Science Publishing Co., c1897.
TX531.R53 1897
The chemistry of cooking and cleaning: a manual for housekeepers.
3rd ed. rev. and enl. Boston: Whitcomb & Barrows, 1912.
TX531.R53 1907
Conservation by sanitation; air and water supply; disposal of waste (including a laboratory guide for sanitary engineers).
New York: Wiley, 1911.
RA425.R54 1911

The cost of cleanness.
1st ed. New York: Wiley, 1911.
RA431.R46 1911

The cost of food: a study in dietaries.
1st ed. New York: Wiley, c1901.
TX551.R49 1901
The cost of food: a study in dietaries.
1st ed. New York: Wiley, 1902.
TX551.R49 1902
The cost of food: a study in dietaries.
2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1913.
TX551.R49 1913
The cost of food: a study in dietaries.
3rd ed., rev. New York: Wiley, c1917.
TX551.R49 1917

The cost of living as modified by sanitary science.
2nd ed., enl. New York: Wiley, 1900.
TX321.R54 1900

The cost of living as modified by sanitary science.
2nd ed., enl. New York: Wiley, 1901.
TX321.R54 1901

The cost of living as modified by sanitary science.
3d ed., enl. New York: Wiley, 1905.
TX321.R54 1905
The cost of living as modified by sanitary science.
3rd ed., enl. New York: Wiley, 1913.
TX321.R54 1913
The cost of shelter.
1st ed. New York: Wiley, c1905.
TX301.R51 1905

The dietary computer. Explanatory pamphlet; the pamphlet containing tables of food composition, lists of prices, weights, and measures, selected recipes for the slips, directions for using the same.
1st ed. New York: Wiley, 1902.
TX551.R51 1902

Euthenics, the science of controllable environment: a plea for better living conditions as a first step toward higher human efficiency.
[1st ed.] Boston: Whitcomb & Barrows, c1910.
HN64.R545 1910
Euthenics, the science of controllable environment: a plea for better living conditions as a first step toward higher human efficiency.
2nd ed. Boston: Whitcomb & Barrows, 1912.
HN64.R545 1912
First lessons in food and diet.
Boston: Whitcomb & Barrows, c1904.
TX355.R52 1904

First lessons in minerals.
Boston: Press of Rockwell & Churchill, 1882.
QE366.R51 1882

Food materials and their adulterations.
Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1886.
TX533.R52 1886
Food materials and their adulterations.
New and cor. ed. Boston: Whitcomb & Barrows, 1898.
TX533.R52 1898
Food materials and their adulterations.
3d ed., Whitcomb & Barrows, 1906.
TX533.R53 1906

Home sanitation: a manual for housekeepers.
Rev. ed. Boston: Home Science Publishing Co., 1898.
TD905.R53 1898

Laboratory notes: sanitary chemistry and water analysis.
T171.M42ga.R5 1896
Laboratory notes on industrial water analysis: a survey course for engineers.
1st ed. New York: Wiley, c1908.
QD142.R5 1908
Laboratory notes on industrial water analysis: a survey course for engineers.
2nd ed. New York: Wiley, c1910.
QD142.R5 1910
University laboratories in relation to the investigation of public health problems and to commercial work.
Columbus, Ohio: Berlin Printing Co., 1900.
RA428.R53 1900

Plain words about food: the Rumford kitchen leaflets, 1899.
Boston: Home Science Publishing Co., c1899.
TX353.P53 1899

With Edward Atkinson. The science of nutrition, in three parts. Treatise upon the science of nutrition.
Springfield, Mass.: Clark W. Bryan and Company, 1891.
TX651.A85 1891
With Isabel F. Hyams. Notes on oscillaria prolifica (Greville).
[S.I.: S.n., 190-?]
QR99.7.O82.H9 1900


Last updated on April 21, 2003.
Send any comments to Stephanie Hartman.