
Daniel Hastings Personal

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Personal Statement

 Personal Interests

Personal Statement

I have been a believer in Jesus Christ since I was a teenager. I became a Christian in 1972 basically as a search for meaning in my life. I have found Jesus Christ to provide the purpose and meaning for which I was searching. He has led and guided me ever since. In coming to know Jesus Christ, I have acknowledged that I am not capable of running my life on my own and I need Him to explicitly give me direction. After becoming a Christian in high school, I went on to study mathematics, engineering and physics. I have never found my occupation as a scientist and engineer to be in conflict with my faith. Rather I see my calling to be in searching out and using the knowledge that God has given us to better the lot of humanity and serve Him on this earth.

My family and I are active members of Grace Chapel in downtown Lexington. This is an evangelical church which focuses on worshipping and serving God as revealed through the person of Jesus Christ.

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Personal Interests

Hobbies: Reading, walking, spending time with my family

Reading: Science Fiction, history particularly religious, military and scientific history, leadership books, biographies, books exploring issues of technology and culture, books exploring issues of Christian faith and culture.

Favorite book of the Bible: Ephesians

Favorite book: Lincoln on Leadership

Walking: Walking around the bird sanctuary in Concord, MA, walking through state & national parks

My professional web page http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/dept/aeroastro/www/people/hastings/bio.html

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Last Revised:Jan, 00