Upcoming Events

Community Meeting and Dinner

15 February 2011

7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

The Chipman Room, Building 6, Room 104

Come be part of a conversation about the culture of service at MIT.  Join a group of students leaders in public service and social justice to talk about how we can build a community that combines action and reflection to really make a difference in the community.

Past Events

Film Screening: Skid Row

30 November 2009


Come see SKID ROW, a film that documents one man's experience living on the street for 9 days.

DATE: Monday, November 30, 2009

TIME: 7-9pm (Run time: 80 min

ROOM: 1-150

WEBSITE: http://www.skidrowthemovie.com/

Afterwards there will be discussion with a student who lived homeless in Cambridge for three months.

GET LOCAL!  IAP Discussion with Horace Small

21 January 2010

12:00 pm - 2 pm  (Lunch Provided by TAndC)

Student Center Coffee House Lounge

contact: marybeth “at” mit “dot” edu

Come meet Horace Small, Executive Director of the Union of Minority Neighborhoods and local Boson community organizer.  Small has lived in Boston for only four years, but his is fast becoming a local legend in the field of community organizing.  He will discuss his experiences here and Boston and how members of the MIT community can make a difference in Cambridge and Boston.  For more information on Small you can read a recent profile in Boston Magazine. 


Social Justice Social!

21 January 2010

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

The Friendly Toast, 1 Kendall Square

Come hang out with other members of the MIT community who are interested in Social Justice.  This event is meant to be a chance to get to know others people who are interested in the same things you are.  The Technology and Culture Forum will be providing snacks and the Friendly Toast offers a wide variety of beverages, for those both over and under 21 years of age.  We hope you will join us for this fun and relaxing event!

Hope in Action Kick-Off Event

23 Jan 2010

9:30 am - 2:30 pm

St. Paul’s Cathedral, 138 Tremont St., Boston

Come join us for a rally and celebration for the beginning of the Hope in Action Campaign!  There will be speakers on the topics of economic justice and what we can do here in the Boston area to help alleviate the problem.  This will be a day to get you energized about public service and to connect with 300 other people in the Boston area who share a commitment to social justice.

Building an Ethical Economy: Theology and the Marketplace

Hosted by Trinity Institute, New York

Feb. 5-6, 2010

Registration is $30. Contact cenglish “at” mit.edu to register.
Stata 32-123 — click here for map

Archbishop Rowan Williams, 104th Archbishop of Canterbury
Sir Partha Dasgupta, Frank Ramsey Professor of Economics at the University of Cambridge
Kathryn Tanner, Dorothy Grant Maclear Professor of Theology at the University of Chicago Divinity School

We will serve as the Boston gathering site for this national conference, using video of the conference and speakers, reflecting in small groups on the presentations. The following luminaries will serve as respondents and discussion group leaders:

Catherine Mann, Professor of Economics, Brandeis University
Joan Martin, Associate Professor of Christian Social Ethics, Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge
Anthony Zuba, Lead Organizer, Massachusetts Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice

Co-sponsored with the Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, MA

Social Justice Social Redux

11 March 2010


The Friendly Toast, 1 Kendall Square

Come hang out with other members of the MIT community who are interested in Social Justice.  This event is meant to be a chance to get to know others people who are interested in the same things you are.  The Technology and Culture Forum will be providing snacks and the Friendly Toast offers a wide variety of beverages, for those both over and under 21 years of age.  We hope you will join us for this fun and relaxing event!

Hope in Action @ MIT Site Meeting

15 March 2010


Lucien Pye Conference Room - E40 4th Floor

An open meeting with the HIA leadership team to discuss progress on choosing a partner for our project for the following year.

Hope in Action Campaign Commitment Event

10 April 2010

Location TBA

A city-wide event to celebrate each site’s commitment to their individual projects.