HKN Underground Guide to VI-A


Location: Clarksburg, MD
Number of Respondents: 3

          COMSAT Labs is located in a suburb of Maryland. Although the company neither helps the students find housing nor provides any subsidies, the students nonetheless had little trouble finding cheap apartments. A car was necessary for getting to work, which takes about half an hour, but the company did not subsidize transportation costs. The number of after-work activities was moderate, with Washington DC nearby.

          There were fairly many other students there, as well as a moderate amount of social interaction among them, due partly to a few company-sponsored events like a picnic and a baseball game. Though the students were treated with above-average respect by their highly capable co-workers, dress was fairly formal and the working hours fairly rigid. The work environment varied from fairly high pressure to very laid back, depending on the student. The available equipment was state-of-the-art.

          Projects ranged from basic and applied research to product development in groups of less than ten people. Two students knew their projects upon arrival, while one students was assigned his project once he became familiar enough with the tools and concepts. All projects were software-related but differed in content, ranging from simulation to voice coders. One student was very dissatisfied with his project because of lack of support, while one was content, and the other very satisfied, but they all agreed that their projects were only moderately significant for the group. Switching to a different group was not really encouraged, and was not very easy either.

          Although COMSAT Labs does not provide health or dental benefits, it does pay moving costs as well as first term fifth year tuition. First-year salaries were average, but second-year salaries were somewhat below average.

          Student impressions of the company were average, and though two out of three would choose the company again, given the choice, none of them wanted to work there after graduation.

"Good: Very cheap and safe. Not far from both DC and work. Has some access to public transportation. Has some theatres, malls, bowling lanes, etc. Bad: Not too exciting. Going to DC takes about half an hour."
"You really need a car to survive around this area."
Difficulty in finding housing: 1.7/5
Housing expense: $880
Travel expense: $833
Freedom in defining one's project: 1.7/5
Ease of switching groups between years: 2.7/5
Encouragement to try out different groups: 1.7/5
Satisfaction with current work assignment: 3.0/5
Amount of interaction between students: 3.5/5
Flexibility of hours: 2.7/5
Amount saved during the summer: $2333
Overall impression of the company: 3.0/5

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