This circuit is used to create a 3-stage "marquee" light effect by triggering three relays
in succession over and over. Each relay supplies power to a set of staggered lights, such
that the end effect is traveling light pattern.
The 555 timer is wired for approximately 1/2-1Hz. The timer triggers the Binary Counter to count from 00 to 10. The Binary Decoder reads the binary number and sends a signal to a corresponding individual output. As the Binary Counter counts 11, the corresponding output from the Binary Decoder triggers the reset for the Counter, and the cycle begins at 00. A Hex Inverter is needed to change the active-low output of the Binary Decoder into active-high signals to trigger the Relay Drivers. The Relay Drivers saturate, allowing current to flow throught the Power Relay coils. The Power Relays activate in succession, turning on each set of lights. |