HST 583 Fall 2002 Bibliography & Reading List


Required reading for Lectures, Discussion and labs is listed by date.

Supplemental readings are also suggested for those of you with less background in the areas of neuroscience and statistics.

Packets of photocopies of the required readings can be purchased from the MIT Copy Center (E52-045)

The supplemental readings and course texts are on reserve in the Schering-Plough Library

Building E25-131
Mon.-Frid. 9am-6pm
Sat. closed
Sun. 2pm-6pm
Ask the librarian for the material left on reserve for HST-583.


Required Reading


Lecture 9/4
History and future directions of human brain mapping and functional neuroimaging." R. L. Savoy. Acta Psychologica (2001), 107, 9-42.

Functional Neural Systems (Weeks 2 & 3)

Lab 9/9
Physiological Noise in Oxygenation-Sensitive Magnetic Resonance Imaging. G. Krüger and G. H. Glover. Magnetic Res in Med (2001), 46, 631-637.

Lecture 9/9
A multimodal cortical network for the detection of changes in the sensory environment. J. Downar, A. P. Crawley, D. G. Mikulis, K. D. Davis. Nat Neuro (2000), 3 (3), 277-283.

Lecture 9/11
The columnar organization of the neocortex. V. B. Mountcastle. Brain (1997), 120, 701-722.
Dynamics of neuronal processing in rat somatosensory cortex. C. I Moore, S. B. Nelson, M. Sur. TINS (1999), 22 (11), 513-520.
Visual Motion Processing Investigated Using Contrast Agent-Enhanced fMRI in Awake Behaving Monkeys. W. Vanduffel, et al. Neuron (2001), 32, 565-577.
Neurophysiological investigation of the basis of the fMRI signal. N. K. Logothetis, et al. Nature (2001), 412 (6843), 150-157.

Discussion 9/11
Distributed and Overlapping Representations of Faces and Objects in Ventral Temporal Cortex. J. V. Haxby, et al. Science (2001), 293, 2425-2430.
The Fusiform Face Area: A Module in Human Extrastriate Cortex Specialized for Face Perception. N. Kanwisher, J. McDermott, M. M. Chun. J Neurosci (1997), 17 (11), 4302-4311.

Lecture 9/16
Cognitive and emotional influences in anterior cingulate cortex. G. Bush, P. Luu, M. I. Posner. Trends in Cog Sci (2000), 4 (6), 215-222.
Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex: A role in reward-based decision making. G. Bush, et al. PNAS (2002), 99 (1), 507-512.
Searching for a baseline: Functional imaging and the resting human brain. D. A. Gusnard, M. E. Raichle. Nat Rev Neuro (2001), 2, 685-694.
Frontal lobes and human memory. P. C. Fletcher, R. N. A. Henson. Brain (2001), 124, 849-881.
Cognitive Neuroscience and the Study of the Memory. B. Milner, L. R. Squire, E. R. Kandel. Neuron (1998), 20, 445-468.

Imaging Physiology (Weeks 3, 4 & 5)

Discussion 9/18
Neural mechanisms of blood flow regulation during synaptic activity in cerebellar cortex. C. Iadecola, J. Li, S. Xu and G. Yang. J Neurophysiol. (1996), 75 (2), 940-850.
Blood flow and oxygen delivery to human brain during functional activity: Theoretical modeling and experimental data. M. A. Mintun, et al. PNAS (2001), 98 (12) 6859-6864.

Lecture 9/25
Chapters from Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. L. Edvinsson and D. N. Krause, eds. Second edition. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (2002). ISBN 0-7817-2259-4.
- Ch. 25: Autoregulation: Arterial and Intracranial Pressure. J. M. Chillon and G. L. Baumbach, 395-412.

Discussion 9/25
To be determined

Lectures 9/30 and 10/2
Chapters from Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Principles and Techniques. R. Buxton, ed. Cambridge University Press (2002). ISBN 0-521-58113-3.
- Ch. 1: Energy Metabolism in the Brain, 4-21.
- Ch. 2: Cerebral Blood Flow, 22-40.
- Ch. 3: Brain Activation, 41-62.
Chapters from Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. L. Edvinsson and D. N. Krause.
- Ch. 1: General and Comparative Anatomy of the Cerebral Circulation. L Edvinsson and E. T. MacKenzie, 71-87.
- Ch. 9: Neurotransmitters. P. J. Magistretti, L. Pellerin, and G. Bonvento, 162-171.
- Ch. 10: Neurovascular Control of the Cerebral Circulation. P. J. Goadsby and L. Edvinsson, 172-189.

Discussion 10/2
Functional MRI at 1.5 tesla: A comparison of the blood oxygenation level-dependent signal and electrophysiology. E. A. Disbrow, D. a. Slutsky, T. P. L. Roberts, and L. A. Krubitzer. PNAS (2000), 97 (17), 9718-9723.
Regionally Specific Sensitivity Difference in fMRI and PET: Where do they come from? D. J. Veltman, K. J. Friston, G. Sanders, and C. J. Price. NeuroImage (2000), 11, 575-588.

Physics Of Image Acquisition (Weeks 6 -10)

Lectures 10/7, 10/9, 10/16, 10/21, 10/23, 10/28
Chapters from Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Principles and Techniques. R. Buxton
- Ch. 4: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 64-85.
- Ch. 5: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 86-103.
- Ch. 6: Imaging Functional Activity, 104-120.
- Ch. 7: Basic Physics of Magnetism and NMR, 124-154.
- Ch. 8: Relaxation and Contrast in MRI, 155-184.
- Ch. 10: Mapping the MR Signal, 218-248.
- Ch. 11: MRI Techniques, 249-273.
- Ch. 12: Noise and Artifacts in MR Images, 274-303.
- Ch. 16: The Nature of the Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent Effect, 390-416.
- Ch. 17: Mapping Brain Activation with BOLD-fMRI, 417-444.

Discussion 10/9
To be determined

Discussion 10/16
To be determined

Lecture 10/23
"Sparse" Temporal Sampling in Auditory fMRI. D. A. Hall, et al. Hum. Brain Mapping (1999), 7, 213-223.
Imaging Subcortical Auditory Activity in Humans. A. R. Guimaraes, et al. Hum. Brain Mapping (1998), 6, 33-41.

Discussion 10/23
To be determined

Lecture 10/30
Diffusion tensor imaging: Concepts and applications. D Le Bihan, et al. J Mag Res Imaging (2001), 12 (4), 534-546.
The effects of microscopic tissue parameters on the diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging experiment. D. G. Norris. NMR Biomed (2001), 14 (20), 77-93.
Methodology of Brain Perfusion Imaging. E. Barbier, L. Lamalle, M. Décorps. J Mag Res Imaging (2001), 13, 496-520.

Discussion 10/30
Turbo ASL: Arterial Spin Labeling with Higher SNR and Temporal Resolution. E. C. Wong, W. Luh, T. T. Liu. Mag Res Med (2000), 44, 511-515.

Lecture 11/4
Chapter from Functional MRI: An Introduction to Methods. P. Jezzard, P. M. Matthews, S. M. Smith, eds. Oxford University Press (2001). ISBN 0-19-263071-7
- Ch. 8: Quantitative measurement using fMRI. R. D. Hoge, G. B. Pike, 159-174.
Chapter from Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Principles and Techniques. R. Buxton
- Ch. 15: Arterial Spin Labeling Techniques, 351-388.

Experimental Design (Weeks 11 & 12)

Lecture 11/13 and 11/18
How Many Subjects Constitute a Study? K. J. Friston, A. P. Holmes, and K. J. Worsley. NeuroImage (1999), 10, 1-5.
Chapters from Functional MRI: An Introduction to Methods. P. Jezzard, P. M. Matthews, S. M. Smith
- Ch. 9: Effective paradigm design. D. I. Donaldson and R. L. Buckner, 177-195.

Discussion 11/13
Prefrontal cortex dysfunction during working memory performance in schizophrenia: Reconciling discrepant findings. D. S. Manoach. (Schizophrenia Research, in press)
When zero is not zero: The problem of ambiguous baseline conditions in fMRI. C. E. L. Stark, L. R. Squire. PNAS (2001), 98 (22), 12760-12766.

Statistical Analysis (Weeks 13 & 14)

Lecture 11/20
Chapters from Functional MRI: An Introduction to Methods. P. Jezzard, P. M. Matthews, S. M. Smith
- Ch. 11: Overview of fMRI analysis. S. M. Smith, 215-228.

Lab 11/25
Chapters from Functional MRI: An Introduction to Methods. P. Jezzard, P. M. Matthews, S. M. Smith
- Ch. 12: Preparing fMRI data for statistical analysis. S. M. Smith, 229-242.
- Ch. 13: Head motion and its correction. M. J. Brammer, 243-250.

Lecture 11/25
Selective Averaging of Rapidly Presented Individual Trials Using fMRI. A. M. Dale and R. L. Buckner. Hum. Brain Mapping (1997), 5, 329-340.
Estimation and Detection of Event-Related fMRI Signals with Temporally Correlated noise: A Statistically Efficient and Unbiased Approach. M. A. Burock and A. M. Dale. Hum. Brain Mapping (2000), 11, 249-260.

Lecture 11/27
Chapters from Functional MRI: An Introduction to Methods. P. Jezzard, P. M. Matthews, S. M. Smith
- Ch. 14: Statistical analysis of activation images. K. J. Worsley, 251-270. (with annotations from Mark Vangel)
Thresholding of Statistical Maps in Functional Neuroimaging Using the False Discovery Rate. C. R. Genovese, N. A. Lazar, and T. Nichols. NeuroImage (2002), 15, 870-878.

Lecture 12/4
Diffusion Tensor Imaging. N. Makris, et al. Neuropsychopharmacology, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (2002). (Ch. 27).
The problem of functional localization in the human brain. M. Brett, I. S. Johnsrude and A. M. Owen. Nat. Rev. Neuroscience (2002), 3, 243-249.

Discussion 12/4
Optimal Experimental Design for Event-Related fMRI. A. M. Dale. Hum. Brain Mapping (1999), 8, 109-114.

Structural Analysis (Week 15)

Lecture 12/9
Measuring the thickness of the human cerebral cortex from magnetic resonance imaging. B. Fischl and A. M. Dale. PNAS (2000), 97 (20), 11050-11055.

Lecture 12/11
Dynamic statistical parametric mapping: combining fMRI and MEG for high-resolution imaging of cortical activity. A. M. Dale, et al. Neuron (2000), 26 (1), 55-67.

Discussion 12/11
To be determined


Supplementary Reading

Suggested for students with no prior neuroscience background Suggested for students with no prior statistics background Texts to supplement physiology lectures:


Materials on reserve in Schering-Plough Library (E25-131):

Reference Books

Introductory material on Fourier transforms: Miscellaneous Useful Materials: