

Instructions for Starting Lab

The Laboratory room 1-115 is often a bit chilly, dress appropriately.  Bathrooms can be found down the hall to the left in Room 1-101 (men) and to the right in room 5-116 (women).

(Note: If you are working in Room 1-115 chose a terminal to work on and to access the keyboard, reach under the center of the drawer and pull back on the release lever)

Login to Athena.

Open up a web-browser window and go to the course web-site:

Type the following commands at the Athena prompt:

% attach hst.583

Now copy the particular lab data onto the local computer to make things run faster:

% cp -r /mit/hst.583/lab_data/X /tmp/

X is the lab that we are doing that day.

Then change the directory to the current lab software and run matlab:
% cd /mit/hst.583/lab_sw/labX (where X is again the lab number you are working on)
% add matlab
% matlab -ver 6.5.1 &

Within the MatLab window type:

Then begin the lab by clicking on the link below to the Lab you are working on and follow the instructions. If you are trying to open the image files from the temporary directory on the local computer, make sure to go to the Matlab window and type:
% cd /tmp/X
X is again the particular lab.

Lab 0 | Lab 1 | Lab 2 | Lab 3 | Lab 4 | Lab 5 | Lab 6 | Lab 7