How to Get Around MIT (HowToGAMIT) is the only student-produced
handbook that fully details MIT's culture, community, and environs. It
is a down-to-earth guide to help you get oriented and to find the nooks
and crannies that will make your time at MIT as engaging and enjoyable
as it can be.
HowToGAMIT contains information on just about everything you need to
know to jump-start your MIT experience and much more besides. It has
info about student resources and avenues for help or guidance that will
save your time, not to mention your sanity. In addition, it is
the place to look up obscure and esoteric cultural references (both
contemporary and historical) that you are too embarrassed to ask anyone
It is not a pamphlet of administrative rules and regulations,
stripped of all culture and tradition, but rather a survival guide
written by students, for students.
HowtoGAMIT aims to cover all aspects of campus life for the greater
good of the MIT population.
We try to make sure that HowToGAMIT is distributed free of charge to
all incoming undergrads. New grad students - ask your
department if they have a copy for you. Most do! HowToGAMIT may also
be bought at the MIT
Coop, the MIT Press
bookstore and EAsT camPUS
desk for a price yet to be determined..