Notes of the 22th teleconference of the IACHEC Working Group Chairs Skype 17 August 2015 Participants: V.Burwitz (VB), C.Grant (CG), M.Guainazzi (MG), V.Kashyap (VP), D.Bhattacharya (DB), E.Miller (EM), H.Marshall (HM), L.Natalucci (LN), J.Nevalainen (JN), P.Plucinsky (PP), S.Sembay (SS) Apologies: A.Foster (AF), J.Nevalainen (JN) 1. 11th IACHEC meeting logistics -------------------------------- The meeting will be held at the IUCAA Campus. As usual we will need one room for the plenary sessions with a capacity of 60-70 people (about ~20 colleagues from India are expected to join the meeting), and 3 additional splinter meeting rooms with a capacity of 10 to 25 people. Taking into account the available room configuration, it is recommended to book the following rooms, if possible: - Seminar room (110 people) - Round table rooms (2x25 people) - Round table room (15 people) Accommodation will be available on the Campus as well. 30 single occupancy rooms and 15 double occupancy rooms (the latter ones primarily intended for Indian students and post-doc) will be available. They will be offered to IACHEC participants on a strict "first-ask-first-serve" basis. Participants exceeding the accommodation capacity of the IUCAA Campus - or willing to stay in an accommodation closer to the city - will be offered a list of nearby hotels where they can book a room. A free-of-charge shuttle bus will be offered from/to the hotels to/from IUCAA during the days of the meeting. The official procedure to get a conference visa requires a clearance from the Indian authorities based on the prospective participants' list to be delivered by IUCAA. Once clearance is given, each IACHEC participants will be given an official document by the Indian Government. This document will be needed to ask for the visa. The clearance procedure can be started at the earliest 60 days before the opening of the meeting. By then, all prospective IACHEC participants will be requested to provide IUCAA with some personal details. The procedure and the associated deadlines will be explained in the first meeting announcement. IUCAA will set-up a registration web page in the next couple of weeks. A conference fee of ~250 USD will cover breakfast, meals, coffee breaks and the usage of IUCAA facilities (rooms, Internet) during the meeting, as well as the shuttle bus for participants not hosted at IUCAA. 2. Scientific program of the 11th IACHEC meeting ------------------------------------------------ The structure of the scientific program will be as follows: * 29/2, AM: Calibration status of operational and future missions * 29/2, PM: Working Groups meet * 1/3, AM: Working Groups meet * 1/3, PM: Special session I: Astrosat first calibration results (+ talk on science highlights) * 2/3, AM: Special session II: Application of the log-normal linear regression method to X-rays cross-calibration * 2/3, PM: Working Groups * 3/3, AM: Working Groups report Following a proposal by JN, a 30-60 minutes slot will be included in the program of the last day, to allow discussion among the WGs on their final reports. Each report will last 15 minutes. As far as Special Session II is concerned, the goal is for the various ongoing projects in this field to report (1E0102-72, Kashyap; 2XMM; Guainazzi; multi- mission galaxy clusters, Nevalainen; blazars, Marshall), as well as to have a free discussion on whether these results can be useful to improve the cross-calibration status and how. The possibility of having a special session on the first ASTRO-H results was discussed. As the launch date is still unknown, and dangerously close to the 11th IACHEC, it remains unclear if and which initial results of calibration observations will be available by the time of the meeting. This will be followed-up by MG during the next months. In the meantime, we should make sure that talks on the ground-based calibration, as well as on the ongoing efforts to enhance data analysis software to cope with the SXS high-resolution spectra, are included in the program ACTION 150817/1 on PP: propose T.Kallman and R.Smith to give a talk on their work to enhance spectral analysis software for ASTRO-H high-resolution data Deadline: next meeting ACTION 150817/2 on MG: ask R.Petre if he would be willing to give a review talk on ASTRO-H ground-based calibrations Deadline: next meeting 3. Next meeting --------------- The next meeting will be held around the second half of September. Agenda: a) update on the meeting logistics and registration; b) external invited talks at the 11th IACHEC.