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IAP 2003 Subjects

Earth, Atmos & Planetary Sci

Electron Microprobe Analysis
Tim Grove, Dr.Nilanjan Chatterjee
Tue Jan 7, Thu Jan 9, Tue Jan 14, Thu Jan 16, 01-05:00pm, 54-1221

Selection by departmental lottery. Do not pre-register on WebSIS.
Enter lottery by: 03-Jan-2003
Limited to 8 participants.
No listeners
Prereq: —
Level: U 6 units Graded P/D/F   

Introduction to the theory of x-ray microanalysis through the electron microprobe including ZAF matrix corrections. Techniques to be discussed are wavelength and energy dispersive spectrometry, scanning backscattered electron, secondary electron, cathodoluminescence, and X-ray imaging. Lab sessions involve hands-on use of the electron microprobe.
Offered for undergraduate credit, but persons interested in an in-depth discussion of quantitative x-ray analysis are invited to participate. Students will be required to complete lab exercises to obtain credit. Find required reading at URL.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/e-probe/www/iap.html
Contact: Dr. Nilanjan Chatterjee, 54-1216, x3-1995, e-probe-www@mit.edu

Alternate Energy Sources
Nafi Toksöz
Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 22, 24, 27, 29, 10am-12:00pm, E34-430

Selection by departmental lottery. Do not pre-register on WebSIS.
Enter lottery by: 03-Jan-2003
Listeners allowed, space permitting
Prereq: —
Level: U 6 units Graded P/D/F   
Fee: 250.00 for optional field trip.

Explores a number of alternative energy sources such as geothermal energy (heat from the Earth's interior), wind, natural gas, and solar energy. Includes a field trip to visit sites where alternative energy is being harvested or generated. Content and focus of subject varies from year to year.
Subject covers global and U.S. energy consumption, and compares alternate energy sources with conventional fossil fuels. This year emphasis will be on geothermal, nuclear, and wind energy. Two local day-long field trips to energy sites. Optional four-day field trip to California energy sites during the Spring break. Enrollment for the extended field trip is limited so pre-register immediately with person listed below. Preference for the field trip: Pre-registration order.
Contact: Nafi Toksoz, E34-440, x3-7852, toksoz@mit.edu

Field Geophysics
Tom Herring, Brad Hager
Schedule: TBD
Selection by departmental lottery. Do not pre-register on WebSIS.
Enter lottery by: 09-Dec-2002
Limited to 10 participants.
No listeners
Prereq: —
Level: U 6 units Graded P/D/F   
Fee: 200.00 for Travel

Practical methods of modern geophysics including the Global Positioning System (GPS), gravity, and magnetics. Field work is conducted in western US and includes intensive 10-day field exercise. Focus is on measurement techniques and their interpretation. Introduction to the science of gravity, magnetics, and the GPS. Measure of crustal structure, fault motions, tectonic deformations, and the local gravity and magnetic fields. Students perform high-precision measurements and participate in data analysis. Emphasis on the principles of geophysical data collection and the relevance of these data for tectonic faulting, crustal structure, and the dynamics of the earthquake cycle.
For IAP 2003: Time will be spent in the field collecting high precision measurements, as well as time in
the lab analyzing the collected data. Contact person below for information on this year's field location and
date of the mandatory pre-IAP Meeting.
Contact: Thomas A. Herring, 54-618, x3-5941, tah@mit.edu

An Introduction to Weather Forecasting
Lodovica Illari
Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 15, 17, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31, 01:30-03:00pm, 54-915

Pre-register on WebSIS and attend first class.
Limited to 50 participants.
Listeners allowed, space permitting
Prereq: 8.01, 18.01
Level: U 6 units Graded P/D/F   

Basic principles of synoptic meteorology and weather forecasting. Analysis of hourly weather data and numerical weather prediction models. Regular preparation of weather forecasts.
Guest lecture by local TV meteorologist.
Contact: Lodovica Illari, 54-1612, x3-2286, illari@squall.mit.edu

Astronomy Field Camp
James Elliot
Schedule: TBD
Selection by departmental lottery. Do not pre-register on WebSIS.
Enter lottery by: 15-Nov-2002
Limited to 6 participants.
No listeners
Prereq: 12.410J or 8.287J
Level: U 9 units Graded P/D/F   
Fee: 150.00 for partial cost of transportation, food, and lodging

Individual research projects in observational astronomy involving supervised work at Lowell Observatory (located in Flagstaff, AZ). Written and oral reports required. Enrollment limited to 6.
Applications (due 11/1) may be obtained from contacts listed below.
Contact: Allison Cocuzzo or Jim Elliot, 54-422, x3-6308, jle@mit.edu

Advanced Field Geology II
Clark Burchfiel
Schedule: TBD
Selection by departmental lottery. Do not pre-register on WebSIS.
Enter lottery by: 06-Dec-2002
Limited to 20 participants.
No listeners
Prereq: 12.481
Level: H 9 units Standard A - F Grading   
Fee: 200.00 for Travel

In January, a geological and geomorphological study of a selected field area is conducted during a four-week excursion. The following term includes: preparation of maps and report based on field study conducted in January; and laboratory analysis of samples. Contact: Clark Burchfiel, 54-1010, x3-7919, bcburch@mit.edu

Seminar in Geophysics
Geosystems in the Field
Dale Morgan
Schedule: TBD
Selection by departmental lottery. Do not pre-register on WebSIS.
Limited to 12 participants.
No listeners
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Level: H 12 units Graded P/D/F   
Fee: 250.00 for Travel

Problems of current interest in geophysics; subject matter varying from term to term.
During the first week the class will meet daily to review the existing literature on the study area. The second week the class will involve travel to the study area and work in the filed to investigate first-hand the various geosystems, and perform corresponding measurements and investigations. The final week will be spent analyzing and synthesizing all the available data. Please contact person below for specific information on this year's study area and meeting times during the first week.
Contact: Dale Morgan, E34-412, x3-7857, morgan@erl.mit.edu

Advanced Planetary Observations
Jim Elliot
Schedule: TBD
Selection by departmental lottery. Do not pre-register on WebSIS.
Enter lottery by: 15-Nov-2002
Limited to 6 participants.
No listeners
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Level: H 9 units Graded P/D/F   

Astronomical observations involving several techniques are carried out at a major observatory, with focus on a particular set of objectives that change from year to year. Work includes: critical planning of the observations; acquiring the data; calibrating the data; and on-site data reduction.
Applications may be obtained from Alli Cocuzzo, 54-410, or person below.
Contact: Jim Elliot, 54-422, x3-6308, jle@mit.edu

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Comments and questions to iap-www@mit.edu | Last update: 20 September 2002, IAP Office, Room 7-104, 617-253-1668