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IAP 2003 Activity

Support Staff Forum
Olga Parkin & Therese Henderson
Wed Jan 15, 12-01:30pm, 66-110

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event

The Working Group on Support Staff Issues acts to improve the working environment and perception of Support Staff at MIT. We identify issues of concern and form groups on these issues that conduct research and recommend actions to MIT administration. The Forum has a two-fold purpose: to report to the MIT community on what we are doing to carry out our mission and to hear from you on issues that concern your working life at the Institute such as: support staff reclassification, new vacation and bereavement leave, career opportunities and any issue that is of importance to you. Questions may be submitted in advance to the email address below.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/committees/wgssi
Contact: Olga Parkin & Therese Henderson, wgcc@mit.edu
Sponsor: Working Group on Support Staff Issues
Latest update: 05-Nov-2002

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Comments and questions to iap-www@mit.edu | Last update: 20 September 2002, IAP Office, Room 7-104, 617-253-1668