Why Is Everyone Talking About EHS Management Systems?
Prof. David Marks, Lab for Energy and the Environment, James T. Curtis, EHS Office, Tom A. Pedersen, Camp Dresser & McKee Inc.
Wed Jan 29, 12:30-04:30pm, E40-496
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
MIT is currently developing a comprehensive Environment, Health & Safety Management System (EHS-MS) that is intended to become a model for large, research-focused colleges and universities. By doing so, MIT joins hundreds of other organizations that are also implementing a management system approach to improving environmental performance. While the reasons for implementing a management system vary, most expect to improve their environmental performance, improve compliance with regulations and laws, and create a safer and healthier workplace. This workshop will: 1) Describe what an EHS Management System is; 2) Discuss market drivers; 3) Review the leading EMS Standards; 4) Examine elements common to all Standards; and 5) Provide case studies. Examples will be used to illustrate the concepts inherent a management system.
Contact: James T. Curtis, PE, LSP, N52, Room 496, 452-2508, curtisjt@mit.edu
Sponsor: Environment, Health and Safety Office
Latest update: 07-Jan-2003