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IAP 2003 Activity

Teaching and Learning Workshop
Martha L. Gray, John Bransford, Vanderbilt University, Lori Breslow, Julie Greenberg
Thu Jan 9, 09:30am-04:30pm, e-mail mad@mit.edu

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 01-Jan-2003
Limited to 15 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)

Workshop Objectives
Participants will:
- Have a sense of the dimensions of "How People Learn" and how they might be implemented from an instructional design standpoint through the Star Legacy Cycle;
- Be able to identify what they do well as an instructor, vis-à-vis the dimensions of How People Learn.
By the end of the day:
- Participants should be able to identify what that they could do differently in the classroom based on what they learned;
- Participants should be able to define roles for formative assessment, both to improve instruction (from the standpoint of professional development) and also as a means for identifying where students “get stuck” in their learning process.
Contact: Mark D'Avila, E25-518, (617) 452-4091, mad@mit.edu
Sponsor: Health Sciences & Technology
Latest update: 02-Jan-2003

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