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IAP 2005 Activity

GIS: Introduction to Imagery for GIS
Lisa Sweeney, Daniel Sheehan
Wed Jan 26, 02-05:00pm, 37-312

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 20 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: Athena account and experience with GIS software

A picture is worth a thousand words… Many people doing GIS projects want to include an image as a base layer in their project. There are many different types of imagery and different sources for obtaining aerial photographs and satellite imagery, including some that are free and easily accessible. Come learn about imagery sources, types, formats and using images in ArcGIS and PCI Geomatica software.
Web: http://libraries.mit.edu/gis/services/iap2005.html
Contact: Register with IS&T, istrain-reg@mit.edu
Sponsor: Libraries
Cosponsor: Information Services and Technology
Latest update: 24-Nov-2004

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Comments and questions to: iap-www@mit.edu Academic Resource Center, Room 7-104, 617-253-1668
Last update: 30 September 2004