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IAP 2006 Activity

GIS: Site Selection - Making Spatial Decisions Using a GIS
Anne Graham, Daniel Sheehan, Lisa Sweeney
Mon Jan 30, 02-03:30pm, 37-312

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 20 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: Athena account. Previous experience using ArcGIS.

Learn to select a location based on a variety of data types and perform analysis using tools provided in ArcGIS.
Web: http://libraries.mit.edu/gis/teach/iap2006.html
Contact: Register by sending email with IAP in the subject line to, gishelp@mit.edu
Sponsor: Libraries
Cosponsor: Information Services and Technology
Latest update: 08-Nov-2005

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004