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IAP 2007 Activity

What is Operations Research? What is Management Science?
James Orlin, John Little
Wed Jan 17, Fri Jan 19, 10:30am-12:00pm, 1-190

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)

Operations Research and Management Science (OR/MS) is the discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions. Typically the field uses data, mathematical models, and computer-based information systems to improve decision making and design better processes and systems in both engineering and management. We invite both undergraduate and graduate students to these two sessions to learn more about OR/MS.

The second session will be followed by a lunch at the Operations Research Center
Contact: James Orlin, E53-363, x3-6606, jorlin@mit.edu
Sponsor: Sloan School of Management
Cosponsor: Operations Research Center
Latest update: 30-Oct-2006

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004