Old Food: Ancient and Medieval Cooking
Anne McCants, Margo Collett
Mon Jan 29, 12-06:00pm, Next House, Kitchen
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 05-Jan-2007
Limited to 25 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: Stomach and sense of humor
Interested in gnawing on greasy lamb shanks? Perhaps you prefer vetches, oats and spelt-cakes? How about fermented fish sauce? Come join us for an afternoon of good old--and we mean REALLY old--fashioned ancient & medieval cookery. We will prepare, cook, and eat medieval foods from both sides of the Mediterranean Sea. Preparations will involve the use of authentic period recipe-books. You are invited to join us for this afternoon of fun and feasting. For those with more academic interests we will have sources available for your reading pleasure--or horror. If you plan to arrive later than the start time, please indicate this when registering. Location:Next House, Country Kitchen
Contact: Anne McCants, E51-293, x8-6669, amccants@mit.edu
Sponsor: History
Latest update: 06-Nov-2006