Caffeinated Java
Adam Seering
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: Have done at least some minimal programming in any language
This class aims to give a basic introduction to the Java programming language. It's targeted at people who have never programmed in Java before. Come here to learn the power and flexibility of the Java model of Object-Oriented Programming, and learn to make both standalone applications and Web applets that you can include in your personal Web site.
Contact: Adam Seering, W20-557, x3-7788,
Sponsor: Student Information Processing Board
Adam Seering
In the first class, we'll be reviewing basic programming concepts and learning to write a simple applet. In the second class, we'll be looking at more-powerful uses of Object-Oriented Programming.
Tue Jan 9, Thu Jan 11, 06-08:00pm, 37-212
Latest update: 04-Dec-2006