Aviation Accident Investigation or Agatha Christie for Engineers
Brian Nield Boeing Commercial Airplane, Chuck Oman
Tue Jan 30, 02-03:00pm, 32-124 Wed Jan 31, 02-03:00pm, Room 33-319 Thu Feb 1, 02-04:00pm, Room 33-319
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 19-Jan-2007
Limited to 24 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: spreadsheet skills (Excel); some familiarity with aviation
Commercial aviation is extremely safe, in part due to knowledge gained from studying accidents. The investigation process and some of the most significant accidents are discussed. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to work with their peers in a small, self-directed, investigative team to solve a realistic (but fictional) aircraft accident mystery. New information on the crash will be given out each session as you piece together the facts to determine what caused the accident and build recommendations for improving flying safety. Minimum enrollment is 6. Room is TBA for Tues 1/30.
Web: http://stellar.mit.edu/S/course/16/ia07/16.AI/index.html
Contact: Liz Zotos, 37-219, x3-7805, zotos@mit.edu
Sponsor: Aeronautics and Astronautics
Latest update: 12-Dec-2006