Advanced Gentoo Linux
Rajiv Manglani
Thu Jan 25, 07:30-09:30pm, 56-114
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: Some Gentoo experience
This session will cover advanced usage of Gentoo Linux, a versatile and fast distribution for x86, PowerPC, Sparc, Alpha, AMD64, IA64, and MIPS systems that is geared towards Linux power users.
Details of Portage, the Gentoo package management system, will be presented. We will discuss creation of ebuild scripts, usage of various system tools such as qpkg and etcat. We will also have a detailed look into the init scripts system, and the various settings in make.conf. Current Gentoo users are encouraged to attend with their questions and anecdotes.
Contact: Rajiv Manglani, W20-557, x3-7788,
Sponsor: Student Information Processing Board
Latest update: 05-Jan-2007