The Image of the City: the Legacy of Kevin Lynch, a Boston Summary
Romin Koebel, PhD MIT alum
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Three late-morning conversations inspired by the Boston legacy of Kevin Lynch. Monday: "The Walkway to the Sea"; Wednesday: "The View from the Road"; and Friday: the "Lost Half-Mile."
Contact: Paula Anzer, 7-337, x3-2024,
Sponsor: Urban Studies and Planning
The Walkway to the Sea
Romin Koebel, PhD MIT alum
"The Walkway to the Sea" traces the built environment reaching from the top of Beacon Hill to Town Cove. It centers on Faneuil Hall and the influence of Charles Bulfinch.
Mon Jan 29, 10am-12:00pm, Room 10-485
The View from the Road
Romin Koebel, PhD MIT alum
"The View from the Road" was a Lynch study of the visual experience of a driver coming into Boston from the northeast, focusing particularly on current planning for the surface artery and the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway.
Wed Jan 31, 10am-12:00pm, Room 10-485
Finding the "Lost Half-Mile"
Romin Koebel, PhD MIT alum
Finding the "Lost Half-Mile" builds on the finding that there was a section of the Charles River that was not part of people's image of the city.
Fri Feb 2, 10am-12:00pm, Room 10-485
Latest update: 04-Jan-2007