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IAP 2007 Activity

How Bicycles Work and How to Keep Them Working
Craig Forest, Joseph Walish, Nathan Ball
Thu Jan 11, 02-05:00pm, 3-270

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event

Intro to bicycle maintenance and mechanics. We'll address concepts such as where/how to purchase, frame sizing, and safety, and discuss tuning, bearing overhaul, and cycling physics. We’ll answer “what's that squeaky noise?” and “why shouldn't I buy a Wal-Mart bike?” Instructors have >25 yrs of experience manufacturing bikes and tools, owning a parts shop, and performing overhauls on their fleet.

Three 1-hr sections: come for one or all!
1: Intro-topics such as bike types, buying/selling, safety
2: Beginner maintenance-topics such as pre-ride checklist, turning brakes/gears, repairing flats
3: Advanced topics: racing, history, cycling physics, and overhauls

Drinks/snacks provided. Lucky 7 attendees receive free multi-tool!
Contact: Craig Forest, 3-147, 324-2398, cforest@mit.edu
Sponsor: Mechanical Engineering
Latest update: 13-Nov-2006

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004