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IAP 2007 Activity

A Sampling of Careers in Biology
Biology Postdoc Association & Biology Graduate Students
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: none

MIT Biology is proud to present the IAP Program "Sampling of Careers in Biology". This program will cover non-traditional paths for Biology PhD's. Please join us at five exciting seminars featuring speakers who are at the top of these respective fields.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/biology/www/biology/iap.html
Contact: Peter Reddien, WI-501B, x4-4083, reddien@wi.mit.edu
Sponsor: Biology

Pamela Carroll, Thomas Keating, Todd Milne, Brian Washburn
Pamela Carroll, Ph.D., Merck Research Laboratories
Thomas Keating, Ph.D., AstraZeneca
Todd Milne, Ph.D., Microbia
Brian Washburn, Ph.D., Immunetics--
Join us for short talks and a question and answer session with scientists who
have made the jump into industry. What is it like? What's the best place for
you? Startups, medium biotech, or big pharma? Come meet scientists from all sectors.
Thu Jan 11, 12:30-02:00pm, 68-181

Science Communication and Publishing
Panel Discussion
The future of science depends on the dissemination of scientific knowledge, both within the scientific community and beyond it to our larger society. Come to this session to hear from people in a variety of communications-related jobs. What jobs are out there and what are they like? What skills do you think you'll need? Where can you find more information?
Tue Jan 16, 12:30-02:00pm, 68-181

Law Panel
Alex Andalis, Chris Cowles, Ignacio Perez de la Cruz
Alex Andalis, Ropes & Gray, Chris Cowles, Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge, Ignacio Perez de la Cruz, Ropes & Gray - Thinking of using logical reasoning and scientific framework that you honed in graduate school to leverage a career in Law? Come hear scientists who blazed those trails!
Thu Jan 18, 11:45-01:30pm, 68-181

Consulting & Venture Capital
Jason LaBonte, Karen Hong, Kay Larholt
Jason LaBonte, Ph.D. Decision Resources, Karen Hong, Ph.D. Proquest Ventures

--The business of Biology is booming! This seminar features Venture Capitalists,which finance biological enterprises, and Consultants that suggest the best way to merge business and Biology. Come listen and speak with PhDs who have madethe transition from benchwork to the business world.
Tue Jan 23, 12:30-02:00pm, 68-181

Policy/Government Panel
Brad Smith, Joann Boughman, Patrick Regan, Susan Cumberledge
Have you ever wanted to have more control over how science is directed by the
government? How science is used by the government? Could you make a difference by using your biology background in a career in science policy?
This is your chance to find out about the AAAS Science Policy Fellowships, and
careers in science policy at government agencies, private foundations and
Tue Jan 30, 12:30-02:00pm, 68-181
Latest update: 08-Jan-2007

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004