Tour of the MIT-Bates Electron Linear Accelerator Center
Dr. Stephen Steadman, Prof. Robert Redwine
Thu Jan 25, 01-04:30pm, Bldg 26 Loading dock
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 24-Jan-2007
Limited to 25 participants.
Single session event
The MIT Bates Center, supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and located in Middleton, provides up to 1 GeV beams of electrons that has been used for basic research in nuclear physics. The facility is now being used in new ways as an interdisciplinary center for research and development in accelerator science and technology. A brief general description of the facility and its research will be followed by a tour of the facility. Transportation to Bates will be provided; signup needed to have ride available.
Contact: Dr. Stephen Steadman, 26-505, x8-8678,
Sponsor: Lab for Nuclear Science
Latest update: 26-Dec-2006