Round Dance for Beginners: Waltz
Phil Gatchell, Cuer for Tech Squares
Tue Jan 9, 07-08:00pm, Sala Tue Jan 16, 23, 30, 07-08:00pm, Lobdell
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Fee: 2.00 for to pay the caller
Round dancing is a form of choreographed ballroom dancing. A set of basic figures is taught, and a cuer calls out each figure during the dance. This results in all the couples whirling or gliding around the floor in perfect unison, beautifully choreographed to the music, without the need to memorize entire dances. No partner or experience needed.
Contact: Tech Squares, 253-7000,
Sponsor: Tech Squares
Latest update: 21-Dec-2006