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IAP 2007 Activity

Living an Extraordinary Life
David Mindell, Lauren Zander, Lisa Chaney
Tue Jan 30, Wed Jan 31, Thu Feb 1, 01-04:00pm, E51-335

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 16-Jan-2007
Limited to 70 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Geared for juniors, seniors and graduate students.

This course provides an exciting, eye-opening, and thoroughly useful inquiry into what it takes to live an extraordinary life, on your terms. The class deeply addresses what it requires to succeed, and to be proud of your life and happy in it. You will tackle career satisfaction, money, your body, vices, your relationship to yourself. Address your own life and how you live it, and learn from it. An inquisitive nature and willingness to face the truth are required.
Led by Lauren Zander, Chairman of the international corporate consulting firm, The Handel Group, has trained thousands of people to identify where they are holding themselves back and then free themselves to fulfill their lives' missions. (Note: This class will require a certain amount of homework and commitment on the part of the students.)
Contact: Sarah Fowler, E51-185, (617) 253-3452, sfowler@mit.edu
Sponsor: Science,Technology & Society
Latest update: 10-Jan-2007

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004