What Leadership Isn't
Sally Susnowitz, Tracy Purinton
Fri Jan 26, 02-03:30pm, 3-343
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 30 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: RSVP to Sally Susnowitz at susnowit@mit.edu appreciated
Leadership isn't just for take-charge, top-of-the-hill, make-my-day personality types. As a matter of fact, people like that may not be leaders at all. Find out about the differences between leaders, managers, dictators, facilitators, negotiators and others, and, in the process, learn a lot about what leadership is and how to achieve it.
Contact: Sally Susnowitz, 4-104, x8-7344, susnowit@mit.edu
Sponsor: Public Service Center
Latest update: 29-Nov-2006