Long-Range Planning for Your Software Technology Career
Anne Hunter
Thu Jan 25, 12-02:00pm, 33-401A
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
A panel of alums and expert recruiters will discuss:
- Hot technologies vs long term technology trends
- Building a career in software
- Software career pitfalls
- Outsourcing: is the local software job market going away?
- Software development firms vs internal software development
- Local startups and the Boston software market
- Candidate expectations in this market
Experienced software technology executive recruiters from a leading Boston-area recruiting firm (Winter Wyman) will join recent Course VI alums to discuss long-term career issues, and how to plan a whole career. They'll answer questions and advise students with career concerns, and help you avoid making job choice mistakes now that could haunt you later in your career.
Pizza and beverages.
Contact: Anne Hunter, anneh@mit.edu
Sponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Latest update: 06-Nov-2006