Valerie Jayne
Thu Jan 11, 18, 25, 1, 05-07:00pm, W20-425
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 11-Jan-2007
Limited to 12 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Fee: $35 students/$50 others (Student Art Association standard fee)
Introductory watercolor using opaque and transparent paint. Color theory and brushwork will be explored. Work mainly from studio set-ups plus your imagination. Open to all levels. Some materials extra.
Go to the SAA website for registration info. CREDIT CARDS NOW ACCEPTED
Web: http://web.mit.edu/saa
Contact: Clay Ward, W20-429, 253-7019, saahelp@mit.edu
Sponsor: Student Art Association
Cosponsor: Office of the Arts
Latest update: 20-Nov-2006