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IAP 2007 Activity

Error and Fraud in Organic Synthesis
Professor Rick Danheiser
Thu Jan 18, 04-05:30pm, 6-120

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Limited to 150 participants.
Single session event

This lecture will review several notable case histories of published research that later turned out to be erroneous. Questions that will be discussed include which cases involved "honest error" and in which was there an intention to deceive, why fraud is rare in organic synthesis, how organic chemistry is "self correcting", and steps that can be taken to minimize the publication of fraudulent work. Case histories to be described include examples from the total syntheses of natural products and methods for absolute asymmetric synthesis and C-H bond activation.
Contact: Professor Rick Danheiser, 18-298, x3-1842, danheiser@mit.edu
Sponsor: Chemistry
Latest update: 09-Jan-2007

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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