The Innovator's Delight: Looking for "THE NEXT BIG THING"
Ken Zolot, Sushil Bhatia
Thu Jan 25, 10am-03:00pm, 1-190
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 100 participants.
Single session event
Innovation is the key to everything we do. Dr. Sushil Bhatia is a globally known innovator, entrepreneur, inventor, author and professor. His new innovative patented and proprietary products are used in our daily lives and have generated millions of dollars in sales. This workshop will present techniques and methods by which individuals and organizations can become more creative and innovative and develop new products while exploring the role of fitness- mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.
Contact: Ken Zolot, E40-196, x3-6481,
Sponsor: Sloan School of Management
Latest update: 01-Nov-2006