Unleashing the Creative Potential of Collaborative Innovation Networks
Pascal Marmier, Peter Gloor
Tue Jan 16, 01-04:00pm, E51-145
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
We are all living and working in a networked economy, but few people are making good use of this changing environment in their professional life. You can use LinkedIn to connect to new people or build surveys to try to get a sense of who talks to whom around you, but this workshop will present innovative methodologies and tools that will give you a deeper knowledge of visualizing and interpreting social networks. Through case studies, we will show you how to analyze web of relationships to diagnose communication patterns or anticipate future trends.
Contact: Pascal Marmier, pmarmier@mit.edu
Sponsor: Sloan School of Management
Latest update: 01-Nov-2006