LAB TOUR: Sloan Automotive Laboratory
Prof. John Heywood
Mon Jan 29, 02-03:30pm, Basement of Bldg 31
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Sloan Automotive Laborartory
History and Mission:
Founded in early 1930 by Professor C.F. Taylor, with grants from A.P. Sloan Foundation. Established as a major laboratory for automotive research. Extensive industrial and government funding. Research areas: Internal combustion engine processes, Fundamental combustion studies, Engine/fuel interactions, Engine and fuels technology assessments.
Objective: Contribute to future developments in automotive technology through fundamental and applied research on propulsion technology and fuels.
Contact: Karla Stryker, 3-339D,
Sponsor: Mechanical Engineering
Latest update: 30-Oct-2006