Take Better Pictures With Your Cell Phone (and Win Big)
Gary Duehr Lesley University
Fri Jan 12, 19, 26, 02-04:00pm, Compton Gallery
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 10-Jan-2007
Limited to 12 participants.
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Do you have a cell phone? Does it have a camera? Do you take bad pictures of friends at low lit parties? Ever wish you could do better? This two-hour workshop with photographer and new media artist Gary Duehr runs you through the basics of taking great photos with a cell phone, transferring them to a computer, and processing them for prints on the web. The workshop is meant for beginner photographers and is held in conjunction with the MIT Museum/Mili Cell Phone Photo Contest. Bring your own cell phone, and sample phones will be provided.
Contact: Jon Bijur, Museum, x3-9607, jbijur@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Museum
Latest update: 07-Nov-2006