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IAP 2007 Activity

From Innovation To Commercially Viable Products
Afarin Bellisario, Prof. Warren Seering
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)

This class, consisting of 3 independent 2 hour sessions, will focus on the journey from an innovative concept (or proof of concept) to a commercially viable product. Each session covers an independent part of the process:
Contact: Afarin Bellisario, (617) 899-2519, abellisario@alum.mit.edu
Sponsor: Mechanical Engineering

Afarin Bellisario, Prof. Warren Seering
• Session 1: Focused of identifying and selecting a target application/market. This session covers identifying opportunities, the value proposition, sizing markets, target customers, channels, supply chain, and the market eco-system
Tue Jan 9, 10am-12:00pm, 1-134

Afarin Bellisario, Prof. Warren Seering
Session 2: Is focused on the process of product development: going from proof of concept to a manufactured product including product definition, market validation, trade offs, standards, manufacturing, and effect of delays in profitability
Tue Jan 16, 10am-12:00pm, 1-134

Afarin Bellisario, Prof. Warren Seering
• Session 3: Covers legal and financial aspects of product and business as well as various business models. Subject covered include: IP protection, seeking money vs. boot strap, George Xixis, a patent attorney with Nutter, Mc Clennen and Fish, and MIT class of ’87 will be our guest speaker for this session.
Tue Jan 23, 10am-12:00pm, 1-134
Latest update: 09-Nov-2006

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004