Working Light, Shaping Space
Seth Riskin
Tue Jan 9, Thu Jan 11, 01-05:00pm, MIT Museum, MITMuseum, Large Conference Rm
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 05-Jan-2007
Limited to 15 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: none
Light is the focus of this two day workshop—how it stimulates visual experiences of space and how spatial experiences may be shaped through the careful handling of optical effects. The first day of the workshop will be devoted to demonstrations and guided explorations, drawing from the Museum's holography collection for "informational light tools" that demonstrate the manipulation of light for stimulating 3-D space experiences. The second day will focus on hands-on work through individual projects using basic light sources, optics and optical materials. We'll learn how to work with light as a structural medium of perception and to approach the design of space as choreography of visual experiences. Brief presentations and analyses of the projects will complete the workshop.
Contact: Seth Riskin, MIT Museum, x3-4405,
Sponsor: MIT Museum
Latest update: 07-Nov-2006