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IAP 2007 Activity

Pursuing Computational Engineering, Science & Optimization at MIT
Alan Edelman, Jacob White, Gilbert Strang, Karen Willcox
Tue Jan 23, 01-03:00pm, 32-155

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event

What is computational engineering, science and optimization, and what is MIT's new interdepartmental program in CDO (Computation for Design and Optimization)? In a nutshell, CDO is about computational methodologies of simulation and optimization for the design of engineering/scientific systems. In this workshop, CDO faculty will discuss aspects of CDO methods, applications, and career opportunities, and current students will describe their research topics.

Some recent master's thesis topics include: reduced basis methods for the Boltzmann equation, inefficiency estimates for selfish networks, and random-walk computations on convex sets.

Current MIT graduate students interested in pursuing the CDO S.M. degree concurrently with their other program are encouraged to apply to CDO on a rolling admission basis.
Web: http://mit.edu/cdo-program/
Contact: Laura Koller, E40-152, 253-3725, lkoller@mit.edu
Sponsor: Computation for Design and Optimization
Latest update: 20-Nov-2006

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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