Environmental Film Festival
Lynette Cheah, Lindsey Germain, Christopher Sequeira, Ramya Rajagopalan
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: None
A series of films focusing on the environment, technology, and humanity. Each screening will be accompanied by discussion and free dinner. Synopses of the films and detailed screening schedule may be found at the URL below.
Web: http://sustainability.mit.edu/Environmental_Film_Festival
Contact: Lynette Cheah, x8-8291, lynette@mit.edu
Sponsor: Urban Studies and Planning
Cosponsor: Students for Global Sustainability
"Water Warriors"; "A Drop of Life"
Lynette Cheah, Lindsey Germain, Christopher Sequeira, Ramya Rajagopalan
Tue Jan 16, 06-09:00pm, 32-124
"Digital Dump"; "Exporting Harm"
Lynette Cheah, Lindsey Germain, Christopher Sequeira, Ramya Rajagopalan
Thu Jan 18, 06-09:00pm, 32-124
"Being Caribou"
Lynette Cheah, Lindsey Germain, Christopher Sequeira, Ramya Rajagopalan
Tue Jan 23, 06-09:00pm, 32-124
"Ecological Design"
Lynette Cheah, Lindsey Germain, Christopher Sequeira, Ramya Rajagopalan
Thu Jan 25, 06-09:00pm, 32-124
"Is God Green?"
Lynette Cheah, Lindsey Germain, Christopher Sequeira, Ramya Rajagopalan
Tue Jan 30, 06-09:00pm, 32-124
"Total Denial"
Lynette Cheah, Lindsey Germain, Christopher Sequeira, Ramya Rajagopalan
Thu Feb 1, 06-09:00pm, 32-124
"Dying to Breathe"; "Shipbreakers"
Lynette Cheah, Lindsey Germain, Christopher Sequeira, Ramya Rajagopalan
Fri Feb 2, 05-09:00pm, 32-124
"Maquila"; "Charcoal People"
Lynette Cheah, Lindsey Germain, Christopher Sequeira, Ramya Rajagopalan
Sat Feb 3, 05-09:00pm, 32-124
Latest update: 12-Jan-2007