Hebrew Reading Marathon
Rabbi Ben Lanckton
Mon Jan 29, Tue Jan 30, 04-08:00pm, W11 - Small Dining
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 22-Jan-2007
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Fee: 25.00 for Books and materials
If you or someone you know always wanted to learn Hebrew, this mini-course is for you. With little or no experience of Judaism or the Hebrew language, you will learn to decipher the Hebrew Alef-Bet and read a few basic words in just eight hours. Ample snacks provided. Registration with a study partner recommended.
Contact: Rabbi Ben Lanckton, W11-040, x3-2982, rabbiben@mit.edu
Sponsor: Hillel
Latest update: 22-Nov-2006