Tubular Didgeridoo Construction and Circular Breathing Instruction
Mikey Siegel
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 31-Dec-2006
Limited to 12 participants.
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: lips (only for playing)
Fee: 15.00 for materials for first session
"The didgeridoo (or didjeridu) is a wind instrument of the Indigenous Australians of northern Australia. It is sometimes described as a natural wooden trumpet or "drone pipe". Musicologists classify it as an aerophone." --Wikipedia
And you will get to build, and play one of these tubular bad boys. In 3 sessions we will construct, go over playing tecnhique, and touch on circular breathing.
Contact: Mikey Siegel, E15-468, 452-5606, mikeys@media.mit.edu
Sponsor: Michael S Siegel, mikeys@mit.edu
Didgeridoo Construction
Mikey Siegel
Starting from basic hardware store supplies everyone in the class will construct their own working Didgeridoo. -- Though the class time is listed as 4 hours, this is my frist group instruction on the topic and I'm not sure how long it will actually take. -- note: The $15 materials fee is only for this session.
Sat Jan 13, 11am-03:00pm, TBA
Introduction to Didgeridoo Playing Technique
Mikey Siegel
Once in a while people pick this up quickly but the skill is usually the result of practice and diligence. This class will get you going with the basic concepts and everything else is up to you. -- note: I don't claim to be an expert Didgeridoo player. This session is for novice players only (unless you want to help instruct) -- note(2): The $15 dollar materials is NOT required for this class.
Sat Jan 20, 11am-02:00pm, TBA
Circular Breathing
Mikey Siegel
"Circular breathing is a special technique utilized by players of some wind instruments used to produce a continuous tone without break..." --Wikipedia.
This technique is both extremely cool and very do-able. It takes practice to master but the basic techniques are, well, basic.
Feel free to bring your didge to this session though it is not necessary. -- note: The $15 materials fee is NOT required for this session.
Sat Jan 27, 11am-02:00pm, TBA
Latest update: 27-Nov-2006