The Wonders of X-Ray Diffraction
Scott A Speakman
Thu Jan 25, 02-04:00pm, 13-2137
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 40 participants.
Single session event
X-ray diffraction is a versatile technique for measuring a number of characteristics of crystalline and semi-crystalline materials. This seminar will survey the information that might be learned from polycrystalline materials using XRD. Rather than discussing theory, examples will be used to illustrate the use of XRD to measure: quantitative phase composition, crystallite size, microstrain, residual stress, texture, rate constants and activation energies for reactions, crystallinity, etc. The capabilities and limitations of the instruments in the CMSE X-Ray SEF will also be discussed.
This lecture is designed to help those unfamiliar with X-ray diffraction decide if XRD could be useful for their research. Researchers using XRD for basic phase ID may also find benefit in exploring the more advanced analyses that are possible.
Contact: Scott A Speakman, 13-4009A, x3-6887,
Sponsor: Center for Materials Science and Engineering
Latest update: 28-Nov-2006