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IAP 2007 Activity

Introduction to MATLAB on Laptops
Dr. Violeta Ivanova
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: see individual session description

A series of hands-on training sessions in MATLAB on laptops. Instructions and exercises in every session. Same topics and pre-requisites as Intro to MATLAB on Athena Computers. Laptop with MATLAB required. Sign up required to receive handouts.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/ist/topics/math
Contact: Dr. Violeta Ivanova, N42, x2-1383, violeta@mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology

MATLAB: Interface and Basics
Dr. Violeta Ivanova
Desktop interface,toolboxes,variables,vectors,matrices,operators,built-in functions,input and output.
Pre-requisites: 18.02 or equivalent.
Tue Jan 9, 01-03:00pm, 32-124

MATLAB: Calculus, Linear Algebra, ODEs
Dr. Violeta Ivanova
Polynomials, integration, curve fitting, linear systems of equations, convolution, differential equations.
Pre-requisite 18.03 or equivalent, knowledge of MATLAB interface and basics.
Wed Jan 10, 01-03:00pm, 32-124

MATLAB: Graphics and Visualization
Dr. Violeta Ivanova
2D and 3D plotting functions, graphics customizations, property editor, figure and axes handles, animation.
Pre-requisite: 18.02 or equivalent and knowledge of MATLAB interface and basics.
Thu Jan 11, 01-03:00pm, 32-124

MATLAB: Basic Programming
Dr. Violeta Ivanova
Function and script m-files, data types, strings, relational and logical operators, program flow control, debugging.
Pre-requisite: 18.02 or equivalent; knowledge of MATLAB interface, basics, and graphics.
Fri Jan 12, 01-03:00pm, 32-124

MATLAB: Programming Practice
Dr. Violeta Ivanova
GUIDE editor, graphical user interface programming, callbacks, MATLAB File Exchange.
Pre-requisite: 18.02 or equivalent; knowledge of MATLAB interface, basics, graphics, and basic programming.
Tue Jan 16, 01-03:00pm, 32-124

MATLAB: Statistics and Data Analysis
Dr. Violeta Ivanova
Probability distributions, linear models, regression, confidence intervals, graphical representation, ANOVA.
Pre-requisite: 18.05 or equivalent; knowledge of MATLAB interface and basics.
Wed Jan 17, 01-03:00pm, 32-124
Latest update: 05-Dec-2006

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004