Clean Coal Electric Power Generation in a Carbon Constrained World
János M. Beér
Tue Jan 23, 02-04:00pm, 66-160
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: None
Advanced coal-based power generating options, including pulverized coal fired Rankine Cycle steam plants with Supercritical or Ultra-Supercritical steam parameters, Oxy combustion in pulverized coal and circulating fluidized combustion, and IGCC without and with carbon capture and storage (CCS) are compared for their efficiency, cost, and operational availability.
Technologies increasing the plant efficiency are shown to significantly improve the environmental performance of power plants to be constructed in the near term, and to remain important also for plants that will be equipped with CCS in the future. The timeline of the various technologies for their development, demonstration, and commercial availability for deployment is discussed.
Contact: János M. Beér, 66-301, x3-6661,
Sponsor: Chemical Engineering
Latest update: 01-Dec-2006