Practically Genomic - Hands-on Bioinformatics for Beginners - CLASS FULL
Charles Whittaker, PH.D., Sebastian Hoersch, PH.D.
Mon Jan 22, Wed Jan 24, Fri Jan 26, 01-03:00pm, 14N-132
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 12-Jan-2007
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Modern biological research (genomics, proteomics, gene expression analysis) frequently results in extensive lists of gene identifiers that need to be processed and understood. A significant challenge facing fledgling bioinformatics researchers involves the handling of such lists. We will use an example from a recent publication to illustrate data acquisition methods, functional annotation strategies and downstream analysis techniques. Topics that will be covered include public database retrieval tools, the UCSC genome database, phylogenetic analysis, and protein domain analysis. A basic biology background and familiarity with web browsers will be helpful.
Contact: Louisa Worthington Rogers, 14S-134, x3-6575,
Sponsor: Libraries
Latest update: 05-Jan-2007