Behind the Curtain
Matthew Hockenberry, Connor Dickie, Jon Wetzel
Tue Jan 16, 04-07:00pm, E15-320 Wed Jan 17, 01-04:00pm, E15-320
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 15-Jan-2007
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Unfortunately, "if you build it they will come" only worked in the movie Field of Dreams.
In this fast-paced workshop, we want you to be as excited about seeing what other people do with your idea as you are building it in the first place. The workshop will take place over two days (and possibly one very long night).
You’ll have to build something, but don’t worry: we’re not going to break out the resistors and hammers. We thought it would be good to start with some materials that everyone can deal with (cardboard, markers, and maybe scissors – if you don’t run).
By building things to look like they would, and ‘work’ like they should, we can see how the design actually impacts people before we waste all of our solder and bits.
We’ll feed you, get materials, and bring some users. All you bring is your imagination.
Contact: Matthew Hockenberry, E15-324, (412) 726-9753,
Sponsor: Media Arts & Sciences
Latest update: 15-Dec-2006