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IAP 2007 Activity

Developing Autonomous Underwater Robots
Dimitrios Tzeranis, Joshua Apgar, Mehmet Yunt
Mon, Wed-Fri, Jan 8, 10-12, 17-19, 04-07:00pm, 3-462

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 16 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)

This is an introduction to the development of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles based on the hardware and know-how of the MIT ORCA student group. The first part of the class is a survey of AUV technology (mechanical, propulsion, electronics, sensors, computing). In the second part, students form groups and work on projects related to the existing ORCA AUV, the vehicle that represented MIT in the past four AUVSI competitions.
Contact: Dimitrios Tzeranis, tzeranis@mit.edu
Sponsor: Mechanical Engineering
Latest update: 05-Jan-2007

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004