MIT@Lawrence Project Information sessions
Jesse Kaminsky, Program Manager
Tue Jan 23, 01-04:00pm, 7-338 Thu Jan 25, 11am-04:00pm, Lawrence, MA, Meet in lobby of building 7
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Learn about how you can get involved in the City of Lawrence, MA and the MIT@Lawrence Project. Located 20 miles north of Boston, Lawrence was once the manufacturing powerhouse of New England. With a historically diverse population it played a central role in workers rights. Lawrence is now the only city in New England that is majority Latino.
The MIT@Lawrence project engages the city and community to help make Lawrence a better place for its residents. There are fellowships and other opportunities available for you to get involved.
Join us for two sessions, a meeting at MIT and a tour of Lawrence with a chance to meet all the community partners. All students are encouraged to attend.
No enrollment limit, advance signup encouraged for Thursday.
Contact: Jesse Kaminsky, Program Manager, 9-547, x4-3759,
Sponsor: Urban Studies and Planning
Latest update: 12-Jan-2007