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IAP 2007 Activity

Highlights of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Marie Stuppard
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: N/A

A series of lectures on the activities of the Aero-Astro Department. We will cover areas of interest in research, with oral presentations, films and/or demos. Please revisit this page for other upcoming lectures in this series.
Contact: Marie Stuppard, 33-208, x3-2279, mas@mit.edu
Sponsor: Aeronautics and Astronautics

The US Airline Industry: Competition, Convergence, Consolidation?
Dr. Peter P. Belobaba, MIT Global Airline Industry Program
This year-end update on the performance of US airlines explores recent trends in airfares, airline operating costs and productivity, and relates them to the industry's financial performance. There is much evidence that re-structuring by Legacy airlines, combined with the growing pains of Low-cost carriers, have moved both types of airlines closer to convergence.
Wed Jan 10, 03-04:00pm, 33-206

Augmentation of the Tsunami Early Warning System
Paul J. Cefola and John E. Draim
Investigate a concept for satellite-based observation of sea surface phenomena which reflect a tsunami wave progressing across the ocean. The concept is based on passive microwave remote sensing of the ocean. The intent is to complement economically the current tsunameters which are expensive to establish and maintain. Objectives of the effort as well as architecture options will be discussed.
Tue Jan 16, 02-03:00pm, Room 33-206

"Some Funny Things Happened on the Way to the Moon": A History of MIT's Participation in the Guidance, Navigation & Control of the Apollo Spacecraft
Prof. Richard Battin
In the spring of 1961, President Kennedy announced that America would send astronauts to the moon and return them safely to earth. Exactly eleven weeks later MIT was chosen by NASA as the first prime contractor to supply the Guidance and Navigation System for the Apollo spacecrafts. A true story told by one who was there.
Wed Jan 17, 02-03:00pm, Room 33-116, Note Room Change.
Latest update: 12-Jan-2007

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004