Copyright Unlocked: Managing Copyright to Advance Research and Teaching at MIT
Ann Wolpert, Claude Canizares, Brian Evans, Ellen Duranceau, Ann Hammersla, Thinh Nguyen
Thu Jan 25, 01-03:00pm, 32-155
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Have you got copyright? Can you re-use your own work for future research and teaching? Or is it locked tight behind a vault of copyright restrictions? Find the keys to realize the potential of your own work in the world. Understand how copyright affects you. Hear about actions you can take to improve the impact of your research. Ask questions. Discuss these issues with Science Commons, an organization whose role is to enable legal sharing and reuse of scholarly works and to serve the advancement of science by removing unnecessary barriers. Speakers include: Claude Canizares, Associate Provost, Ann Wolpert, Director, MIT Libraries, Brian Evans, EAPS Professor of Geophysics, Ellen Duranceau, MIT Libraries Scholarly Publishing Consultant, Thinh Nguyen, Science Commons Counsel, and Ann Hammersla, MIT Intellectual Property Counsel.
Contact: Carol Robinson, 10-500, x3-7749,
Sponsor: Libraries
Latest update: 18-Dec-2006